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Safer Scaffolding for Bremen’s top landmarks


Safety for the modern world with a view of the alps


Sepulchral Chapel of the Grand Duchy in Karlsruhe, Germany

Safety for the modern world with a view of the alps


Structural challenge high above Hamburg’s rooftops

Bridge refurbishment made in Scotland


All for the love of “The Blessed Virgin Mary and St Adalbert”

A hill for London


A Nuremberg institution gets a new roof


Building sites, Bishops and the Bamberg Rider

Saving a part of Hungarian history


Boiler maintenance with Layher SIM


A forest visitor centre


Tradition meets modern – Old Trafford and Layher Allround Scaffolding


Church services continued thanks to a creative scaffolding solution


The perfect set-up for appraisal


A fast escape to safety in the event of fire


Ireland – strong beer and best milk


An impressive construction site for an impressive development


The perfect solution for a lakeside project


Flexible structural protection with a temporary Cassette Roof solution


A job for genuine scaffolding pioneers in Wiesbaden-Naurod


Safety, flexibility and efficiency are what count on the building site


No escape for noise, dust and dirt


Full-blooded musicians and event specialists demonstrate their talents 2,500 m above sea level in Ischgl


Assembling industrial scaffolding in extreme conditions